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Weather Normalization Baselines

Types of weather normalization baselines you can create in Abound

Updated over a week ago

Baselines are foundational tools used in energy management to establish reference points for evaluating energy performance, tracking trends, and identifying opportunities for improvement. These benchmarks provide a standard against which actual energy consumption can be compared to help you understand energy usage patterns and make informed decisions to enhance efficiency and sustainability.

You can create and analyze three types of baselines in Abound: Electric, gas, and steam.

Electric Baseline

This baseline establishes expected electricity usage under typical weather conditions. You can use this baseline to monitor and manage electrical energy consumption in buildings for lighting, HVAC systems, appliances, and other electrical devices.

Gas Baseline

This baseline quantifies the consumption of natural gas or other gases used for heating, hot water, cooking, or other purposes that use gas for combustion. You can use this baseline for insights into the efficiency of your heating systems, water heaters, and gas-powered equipment.

Steam Baseline

This baseline is specific to facilities that use steam for heating or industrial processes. This baseline represents typical steam consumption levels and helps in optimizing boiler efficiency and identifying steam-related energy losses.

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